Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Creating apps is something I do because I love the creation process. It's fun for me.
Using an app should be fun too. All the little details in an app are what make it enjoyable to use. That's what puts a smile on a user's face and creates a connection with your app. Keep the app simple and easy to use, remove frustration, and that connection will last.
I'm Devin Pitcher, an independent app developer living in St. George, UT with a wife and 4 kids. I spent a few years in aerospace after college, then several years working for an awesome, small software company. Now I design/develop apps full-time. iOS is where most of my expertise lies. I've also developed Android and Windows Phone apps and web and server back-end solutions as needs arise.
$200/hr - projects may range from $20k - $120k depending on project size
The process typically involves the initially gathering your project details/requirements. From that I come up with an estimate of hours to complete the project, which drives the cost estimate. Payment of half of the estimate is required when development begins. The remaining portion is paid when the project is complete.
The total cost is based on the actual hours worked, not on the initial estimate. I do my very best to try not to go over the hours in the estimate, but sometimes along the way requirements are added or new features are requested that add work not anticipated in the original estimate.
Maintenance work after launch (bug fixes, new features, compatibility with OS updates) is charged at the same $200/hr rate and invoiced monthly. This is an optional service, you’re welcome to have someone else maintain your app. The app and source code belongs to you and the app will be launched under your own account in the App Store(s).
The new Social App where you can authentically share your story and connect with those you care about.